Micro Venture Capital: A Growing Source of Startup Funding
Micro VCs will take a chance on a less experienced entrepreneur, but both their investment and their involvement will be less than traditional VCs.
Micro VCs will take a chance on a less experienced entrepreneur, but both their investment and their involvement will be less than traditional VCs.
Over the years we've brought readers practical advice based on research: rigorous studies that analyze what truly works. These ones resonated the most.
Editor's Pick
The Walk from 'No' to 'Yes'
Entrepreneurs spend most of their productive time in negotiation. It is inherent in the entrepreneurial process (ideation, resource assembly, resource allocation, deal making etc). In this talk, Ury makes the point that "Getting to Yes" is not about getting only what you want. It's achieving the goal that everyone walks away with something they need.
The shift to renewable energy is ripe with opportunities for entrepreneurs and innovators who yearn to help shape a more sustainable future and boost their own fortunes.
Generative AI can help you size up an opportunity, but you still need to control it to prevent flights of fancy and separate the doable from the unrealistic.
The two sites continue their meteoric growth. Familybusiness.org is now the world’s most-visited website for family firms.
Megabank J.P. Morgan launched a free Cash Flow Intelligence AI tool last year for its corporate customers. It has cut human-oriented manual work by close to 90%.
Picking a Mentor or Advisor
Being part of the right community of insiders helps VCs get access to critical information and partnerships. The same holds true for founders.
Five recommendations on ways to rely on the skills, experience and inner strength you may not know you have.
An international study found that government programs that guarantee a safety net made people less likely to risk their financial security by starting a venture.
Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation