How New Solo Entrepreneurs Can Think Through Their Finances
The Marginal Income Model (MIM) helps self-employed entrepreneurs with no financial training manage the financial part of their business.
The Marginal Income Model (MIM) helps self-employed entrepreneurs with no financial training manage the financial part of their business.
Right-sized, downsized, pushed into early retirement...the formerly employed need to be entrepreneurial to survive.
You'll want to understand the tax rules so you know what you can and can't write off on your tax return. Here is the lowdown.
Research shows that working from home can be incredibly satisfying or lead to feelings of conflict and isolation. Now that it's no longer a choice, here's how to make it work.
Self-employment is different from working for someone else. Having a realistic financial plan and a strong marketing foundation is crucial from the get-go.
The author of "Third Shift Entrepreneur" discusses making the leap without ruining your finances. The good news: You are closer than you think to starting something.
For every Larry Page or Michael Bloomberg, we can find millions of attorneys, accountants, writers and others who are ill prepared to manage the business end of their careers.
It's been said that millionaires have seven streams of income. That's good advice for small-business owners, even ones selling products out of their homes.
You don’t need a huge investment to launch a business. Here are some low-cost options.
Sarah Lempa discusses how she became a "company of one" and has spent the last several years building a career for herself as a freelance writer and creative media strategist.
Running a home business can be lonely, especially during the pandemic. Creating a support group of other entrepreneurs working at home can be the solution.
Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation