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Celebrating Student Innovators

May 1, 2023 - Issue #88
Meet the Finalists for e-Fest 2023

Meet the Finalists for e-Fest 2023

These 25 undergraduate teams from across North America brought their business ideas for innovative mobile apps, medical devices, consumer products and more to the eFest finals.

Past e-Fest Winners Continue Innovating

Past e-Fest Winners Continue Innovating

Participating in e-Fest gave undergraduate innovators not only capital for their businesses, but also connections, confidence and valuable experience. We caught up with teams from 2019 and 2022.

How Founders Can Turn Criticism into Gold

How Founders Can Turn Criticism into Gold

It can sting when an investor, judge, or mentor challenges your thinking or rejects your idea -- but negative feedback can actually help you hone your thinking and improve your venture.

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Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation

Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation