How Matt Younkle Changed Music Collecting
Matt Younkle's earliest commercial venture -- a product called "TurboTap" that poured beer faster -- almost didn't happen. His first product demo for Anheuser-Busch did not go well. But Younkle came back to TurboTap as a more seasoned entrepreneur years later, and after a successful demo at Chicago's Wrigley Field his sales took off. From this and other experiences Younkle has adopted an attitude of "grounded optimism:" enthusiasm for the future tempered by a strong business sense. It's serving him well for his newest venture,, a marketplace for music collectors. Here Younkle talks with the University of Wisconsin's Jon Eckhardt about his journey as an entrepreneur.
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DOI: 10.17919/X9D307
Eckhardt, J. (2016, March 21). How matt younkle changed music collecting. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. Retrieved January 23, 2025, from
Eckhardt, Jon. "How Matt Younkle Changed Music Collecting" Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. 21 Mar. 2016. Web 23 Jan. 2025 <>.