The Power of 'Wow' to Attract New Customers
Years ago, millions of consumers discovered something that they never knew they needed: TIVO, which ultimately would change the way they watched television and disrupt an entire industry. That discovery shows how a truly unique product can become a must-have for consumers who never envisioned it before. But do inventors conjure up these products, or are they inspired by asking the market what it needs? Eden Blair, a professor at Bradley University in Illinois, says it's a little of both.
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DOI: 10.17919/X9Q594
Blair, E. (2016, November 14). The power of 'wow' to attract new customers. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. Retrieved January 23, 2025, from
Blair, Eden. "The Power of 'Wow' to Attract New Customers" Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. 14 Nov. 2016. Web 23 Jan. 2025 <>.