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eFest2018 Winner is Making Life More Colorful for Diabetics

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Meghan Sharkus of ExpressionMed, the eFest2018 grand prize winner, has made it her mission to make life more fun and fashionable for diabetics who must wear insulin devices every day. The colorful adhesive patches ExpressionMed makes to hold devices in place have gained a devoted following.  At eFest2019 Sharkus, who won $100,000 a year earlier in the competition, spoke with students about why she started her company, how eFest gave her a needed boost to overcome cash flow challenges and keep innovating, and the lasting benefits of collaborating with the other student entrepreneurs she met at eFest.

Additional Search Terms: medical devices, diabetes, finding investors, funding my company, attracting investment


James Beal
James Beal
Enterprise Architect / Queue-it
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DOI: 10.32617/416-5d36eb3a7c27e
Beal, J. (2019, July 23). Efest2018 winner is making life more colorful for diabetics. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. Retrieved July 2, 2024, from
Beal, James. "eFest2018 Winner is Making Life More Colorful for Diabetics" Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. 23 Jul. 2019. Web 2 Jul. 2024 <>.