Top 10 Articles From 2024 Focused on Early-Stage Challenges

EIX attracted more than 12.5 million page views last year, and many of our visitors yearned for information about testing and launching a venture, judging from the articles published last year that attracted the most attention.
Here is a list of the 10 best-read EIX articles published between November of 2023 and December 2024, based on average weekly page views to avoid disadvantaging articles published late in the year. Our top article, Max Mirho’s “Test Your Startup Idea in One Day,” was published in October 2024 and is already on its way to being one of our best-read articles of all time, with 684,000 views and counting. Other popular themes were the challenges of AI, when to hire an attorney, and how to think strategically and communicate better.
Thanks to our readers and congratulations to our authors!
Best-Read EIX Articles Published in 2024
Test Your Startup Idea in One Day
By Max Mirho
Start with a landing page for your product or service idea, promote it, and gather feedback from potential customers.
How to Know When You Need a Lawyer (and How to Find the Right One)
By Dustin Slade
Nine situations when a lawyer is a must, guidelines for getting the most from your legal budget, and steps for finding the right advisor.
Sensemaking and Purpose Drive Innovation and Transformation
By Kevin Fee
If you can confidently answer the questions, “Why are we doing this?” and “What are we trying to accomplish?,” it will have a powerful effect on your company.
Sensemaking: The Entrepreneur’s Competitive Edge
By Kevin Fee
As NVIDIA and other companies show, making sense of the status quo is where every story of successful entrepreneurship begins.
Micro Venture Capital: A Growing Source of Startup Funding
By Mario Daniele Amore, Annamaria Conti, and Valerio Pelucco
Micro VCs will take a chance on a less experienced entrepreneur, but both their investment and their involvement will be less than traditional VCs.
Entrepreneurship in the Era of Disinformation
By Steve Blank
AI is disrupting the process of researching innovations and markets, so central to launching a business. Seeing things for yourself has never been more important.
Persuasive Communication for Crucial Conversations
By James C. Wetherbe
A free, downloadable book about achieving win/win communication.
New Series: Making the Leap to Entrepreneurship
By Catherine Buday
This new EIX series features people who left behind jobs with a guaranteed salary and made the leap to being business owners.
The ABCs of Creating an Innovative Company
By Steve Wunker
An experienced innovator, consultant, and author who has worked with top companies describes how entrepreneurs must aspire, build, and cultivate.
Entrepreneurship Can be Lonely and Psychologically Perilous
By Oleg Petrenko and Johnny Smith
These proven strategies can build the resilience that helps entrepreneurs navigate the highs (and very lows) of their chosen path.