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EIX Partners With the Journal of Business Venturing

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Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange (EIX) is partnering with the Journal of Business Venturing (JBV) to bring its research-proven insights and practical advice to our audience of current and future entrepreneurs, innovators, the partners and investors who support them, students and professors.

JBV, a leading journal in the field of entrepreneurship, is a top source of peer-reviewed research on entrepreneurship, innovation, new venture finance, social entrepreneurship and other related topics. The journal publishes entrepreneurship research rooted in economics, psychology, and sociology and welcomes research from other disciplines such as anthropology, geography, and history.

EIX, founded in 2014 through the generous support of the founder and former chairman of Best Buy, Richard M. Schulze, aims to help more entrepreneurs and innovators be successful. Since 2014 readership for EIX and its sister publication,, has grown to nearly 6 million page views and more than 3.5 million visitors each year. Today EIX and continue to receive support from the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation. Because of his generosity both sites are free to use.

Both of these sites aim to provide practicing entrepreneurs rigorously tested insights about the factors that lead to success. These insights can often be found in the research published in top entrepreneurship journals such as JBV. EIX will be working collaboratively with JBV’s published authors to create short, practice-focused articles that condense each study’s key findings to provide actionable advice and insights to entrepreneurs and those who work with them. Our first research translation under this new partnership, on how your voice can impact the success of your crowdfunding campaign, can be read here

“EIX reaches so many practicing entrepreneurs, professors and students, and we think this partnership will help us dramatically increase our reach and the impact of our authors’ work,” said Dr. Jeffery S. McMullen, Editor-in-Chief of JBV. “The research-driven insights in our published articles will have resonance beyond the academic community and help everyday business owners be more successful.”

This will be EIX’s second partnership with an academic journal. In 2020 EIX forged an alliance with the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ), another leading journal in the field of entrepreneurship.  As with JBV, SEJ publishes original research that has been carefully developed through a double-blind review process conducted by peer scholars. A roundup of some of the EIX articles based on academic research published in SEJ can be found here.  

EIX’s sister publication,, has also partnered with a leading publication, the Journal of Family Business Strategy, to bring its insights to an audience of family business owners and managers. 

Traditionally, scholarly research has been read by a relatively narrow academic audience. However, EIX and are helping to translate scholarly articles, enabling scholars to expand the impact of their work and make it accessible to people who can benefit from the insights in their entrepreneurial work. For example, EIX and’s translations of scholarly research have been viewed more than 560,000 times. Some of these translations have attracted more than 70,000 views each; many have attracted more than 7,000. Our articles have also encouraged more people to explore the scholarly research, increasing the number of downloads of the original study. 

As part of its partnership with JBV, the journal’s publisher, Elsevier, has agreed to make downloads of the original study free of charge for a limited time. Each EIX research translation will include a link to the original paper for people who want to explore the research more deeply. 

Alongside our formal partnerships with JBV and SEJ, EIX will continue to occasionally publish translations of research from other journals as well. Authors of recently published, peer-reviewed entrepreneurship studies are invited to consider publishing short translations of their articles on EIX and Family Business. For more information about contributing original content or research translation articles published in peer-reviewed journals, visit here or contact one of the Senior Editors of EIX or 



David Townsend
David Townsend
Schulze Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship / Management / Virginia Tech
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Catherine Buday
Catherine Buday
Managing Editor / EIX and
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DOI: 10.32617/853-636d5c73e5523
Townsend, D., & Buday, C. (2022, November 10). Eix partners with the journal of business venturing. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. Retrieved October 25, 2024, from
Townsend, David, and Catherine Buday. "EIX Partners With the Journal of Business Venturing" Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. 10 Nov. 2022. Web 25 Oct. 2024 <>.