Sensemaking: The Entrepreneur’s Competitive Edge
As NVIDIA and other companies show, making sense of the status quo is where every story of successful entrepreneurship begins.
As NVIDIA and other companies show, making sense of the status quo is where every story of successful entrepreneurship begins.
Generative AI can help you size up an opportunity, but you still need to control it to prevent flights of fancy and separate the doable from the unrealistic.
Editor's Pick
Leonardo Da Vinci by Walter Isaacson
By all accounts, DaVinci was a genius. But along with the Mona Lisa and Vitruvian Man, he also had a long trail of inventions that never panned out and ideas that never went anywhere. This book delves into the polymath's fascinating processes, his successes and frustrations, and holds lessons for innovators everywhere. Don't miss the last chapter, where Isaacson summarizes the key things that entrepreneurs can learn from Leonardo.
Nanotechnology started with discussions about science fiction stories. We need a better understanding of where entrepreneurial ideas come from.
Forget the toddler tycoon. Like the Beatles learned in Hamburg, true mastery of entrepreneurship comes from practice, practice, practice.
Companies must view change as a strategic opportunity -- and set aside enough resources to seize those opportunities quickly.
Artists are not taught to go past the step of creativity into the operations and business development needed to build a business, whereas entrepreneurs are generally trained the opposite.
Starbucks and the Power of Paying Attention
A retired executive and educator reflects on how students and others can achieve the mindset needed to solve the world's big problems.
The winning combination includes strong opinions that are validated or modified by evidence gathered outside the building.
This exercise helps students delve into the mind of an inventor, and understand how ideas can become entrepreneurial ventures.
Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation